When it comes to customers making decisions on which brand to choose between Nike and other similar brans such as Adidas and Reebok, Nike is an expert on knowing what the customer wants and needs. For every product that Nike sells from shoes, apparel and sport materials Nike have a rating on how many people like their products and comments towards it. Buying a product there's always a process. Many consumers react to the external stimuli when seeing or hearing about the new product that a friend or a famous athlete recommends it to everyone.

For example heres a picture of the waiting line at niketown the pass month when many "sneaker heads" including myself were anxious in the cold waiting for almost two hours ready to buy the Blue Foamposite pro. Nike released these sneakers for the first time many years ago i remember i was still in junior high school, many of us couldnt afford it or get a hold of them since they tend to sell out quick, very quick i would say. Ive heard stories of other people that went to a sneaker store at noon to get these sneakers and they were sold out.

Everyone who was in that line knew what they were expecting and how much was it, it was $200 plus tax. for many its way too much money for a pair of sneakers but for others like myself wont care the price as long as we have it in our feet. No one knows when these sneakers will ever come out again some sneaker heads buy 3 to 4 pairs at the same time, they tend to re sell it on line for double the price, believe it or not many people buy them. This is what nike has caused to consumers when they release sneakers that you dont see them anymore, this is just one of many nike sneakers that consumers go crazy for it. Next month theyre suppose to release a new color for these sneakers same style different color and many people will do this line againg and spend $200 plus tax over againg, why? Because theyre clasic Nike sneakers.